
Monday, 23 November 2020

Evaluating media


For this task we were looking at fake media and we had to construct fake media so it looks bad and the spelling is worse.

Constructing media

For cybersmart we had to construct media. In my I write about our school camp.
Click here for the full post with links

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would like to be done to you


Today we had do create a D.L.O explaining the golden rule                                                    Its simple but there's not much more to it

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Stop motion


Today as part of a toolkit we learnt how to use stop motion by taking lots of photos with slight changes and it looks like a video. In the video I used it to make a paper plane glide across the screen. For this I just moved the plan and clicked the capture button as I moved it. It doesn't look as smooth as a video but if you want things to be more accurate you can use stop motion to change as precise as you want.

Scratch maths

Today as part of my toolkit I learn't how to post a scratch on my blog.

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Koru and Kawhaiwhai

Koru symbolizes new life and strength.

Kowhaiwhai symbolizes lots of things but some being strength and power.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Pirates from the 1600's to now

Piracy has changed alot since the golden age of piracy like for example instead of flintlocks they have full automatic assault rifles and here are some of the most famous pirates

Pirates have changed location. They used to operate in the atlantic and Mediterranean sea because countries like England and Spain were rich but now the operate in the arabian sea because lots of oil shipments pass through were they can steal oil and take the crew hostage which pays more.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Fruits of the holy spirit

On Thursday we were tasked to each to a fruit or gift of the holy spirit, I was chosen to do a D.L.O. On Gentleness and I chose my Image to be a ladybug.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Pick a path FNAF

Our class had to write a pick a path story using google forms I put alot of effort in but if there are any problems please tell me :)