Pig is a pug and is fat, he has white fur, big eyes, odd teeth and has a long tongue. He also has a black nose, and does not have a snout. He has folds all over him and he is short. Pig smells really bad like wet socks.
Pig is attention seeking and an attention hog. He is also really greedy and thinks too highly of himself. He’s like a pig and keeps all the attention to himself. Pig is self minded and is mean or toxic to others he is rude to Trevor and thinks more highly of himself then Trevor.
Pig is mean to others and makes them feel used, useless sad, angry or depressed. He hurts others without realizing the consequences at the time. Trevor would not hurt or be mean to Pig because he cares even when Pig puts Trevor down. Pig can get really jealous and wants to be the center of attention.
Pig is a messy pug and has a pigsty. He has a room like mine where it's just a big mess and would never make his bed. Trevor on the other hand is neat and tidy. Trevor would have everything set out neat and perfect. Pig is really untidy his belongings would be everywhere in a mess.
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